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Data SGP 2024

Opportunity For ABA is Everywhere

Opportunity For ABA is Everywhere

October 2021

Does your child ever cry in the grocery insisting on getting what they want? Is your child sitting on the side at recess instead of joining in the game with friends? ABA therapy helps decrease problem behaviors and increase desired behaviors in the school, the home, in the clinic, or in the community.

ABA can be applied in many different settings. The goal of ABA is to decrease problem behavior and shape up skills of daily living., So your child can benefit from ABA in any location. Each setting has its own opportunities for growth and ABA intervention can help your child maximize his or her potential.

ABA in the home

In-home therapy is a great way to get your kids on track at home! Sessions can take place after-school with siblings and friends, in the evening session to practice nighttime routine, or during the day In-home ABA therapy can help generalize your child’s skills to the home setting and family members can learn how to help the child be successful.

Include family members in ABA Sessions in your Home.

During an in-home session, the team will work to create goals that are the best fit for you. The therapist will work to motivate your child to engage in activities and build positive associations. Use of visual schedules, incentive charts, and behavior protocols will get your child on track to improve their listening and organizational skills. During in-home sessions, the therapist will do activities with your child and any other family members you want to include (a sibling they have trouble getting along with?) to teach appropriate interactions and activities. The therapist can model how to follow a visual schedule so your child can have smoother transitions to outings, and daily routines.

What about school?

Visual Schedules are an excellent resource.

School is hard for any kid. For children with an ASD diagnosis, it can be very overwhelming to be with so many children. A lot of times a child may feel lost, especially if they have trouble attending. In the classroom, the therapist can support the child to give them the help they need to thrive. When the whole class is packing up their backpacks and your child is remaining at his desk not following the group direction, the therapist can provide a visual aid to keep them on track with the rest of the class. The therapist can provide reinforcement and prompts at recess to encourage them to participate in age-appropriate activities with peers and get quality social interaction time.  Visual schedules can also be brought in to help the child be prepared for the coming school day and know what to anticipate next.

Time to talk community!

Appropriate behavior is learned behavior.

ABA can help you have more successful community outings with your child! Does your child tantrum due to transitions? Are they resistant to going to new places? ABA therapy in the community aims to model and teach appropriate skills in the community setting. For younger learners, this could mean replacement behaviors for tantrums or reinforcement for trying new things. For older learners this could be teaching appropriate hygiene (washing hands/wiping face at a restaurant), waiting in line, or conversing appropriately with peers. There is so much to learn and ABA can help your child get the most out of a day in the community.

Last but not least: ABA in clinic

In-clinic therapy offers a focused environment free of distraction

The clinic provides a sanitized environment to successfully target all the skills your child needs to learn to reach their potential. From early intervention to older learners, in-clinic therapy focuses on increasing daily living skills and decreasing problem behaviors in a controlled setting. Table time teaches children faster responding so they can get in the habit of following directions promptly. In-clinic sessions also target functional skills such as dressing or toilet training, play skills, and social skills. The clinic is a great place to run after-school sessions, or for your child to learn skills necessary to transition into another school.

All in all, ABA is a great way to help your child learn the skills they need to maximize their potential and grow in all settings. We can’t wait to see what we can help you all achieve!

Does your child ever cry in the grocery insisting on getting what they want? Is your child sitting on the side at recess instead of joining in the game with friends? ABA therapy helps decrease problem behaviors and increase desired behaviors in the school, the home, in the clinic, or in the community.


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