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Reading is a way to expand my mind, open my eyes, and fill up my heart.
- Oprah Winfrey


January 1, 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id urna in justo facilisis sodales. Suspendisse in tincidunt mauris. Ut luctus porttitor odio sed lacinia. Nulla dictum ligula sit amet nulla tristique, nec laoreet orci sodales. Fusce enim enim, sagittis eget eros nec, gravida luctus arcu.

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January 1, 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent id urna in justo facilisis sodales. Suspendisse in tincidunt mauris. Ut luctus porttitor odio sed lacinia. Nulla dictum ligula sit amet nulla tristique, nec laoreet orci sodales. Fusce enim enim, sagittis eget eros nec, gravida luctus arcu.

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Managing Challenging Behaviors in Children with Autism

Blue Balloon ABA

July, 2024

Parenting or caregiving for a child with autism can be both rewarding and challenging. One of the significant challenges is managing behaviors that can be difficult, disruptive, or even harmful. Understanding the root causes of these behaviors...

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Parenting a Child with Autism: Tips for Everyday Challenges

Blue Balloon ABA

June, 2024

Parenting is a journey filled with joys, challenges, and countless lessons. For parents raising a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the journey can be particularly complex.

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Blue Balloon ABA

May, 2024

Technology is reshaping the accessibility and approach to healthcare, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnostics is benefitting from this evolution. Virtual diagnostics evaluations are emerging as a transformative tool, offering numerous advantages...

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Blue Balloon ABA

April, 2024

One of the primary challenges faced by individuals with autism is the difficulty in verbal communication. Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder, manifests in a spectrum of challenges that affect communication and social interaction. Amidst various therapeutic interventions, sign language has emerged as a powerful tool, offering profound benefits for individuals with autism.

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Nutrition and Autism: Facts & The Unfounded

Blue Balloon ABA

March, 2024

The relationship between diet and autism is a complex and debated topic within the scientific and medical communities. While there is ongoing research, it's important to note that no single diet...

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Autism-Friendly Travel Tips

Blue Balloon ABA

February 2024

Traveling with children can be both exciting and challenging, and when you have a child with autism, it requires additional planning and consideration.

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Nurturing Sibling Bonds: Tips for Fostering a Positive Relationship 

Blue Balloon ABA

January, 2024

Parenting a child with autism comes with its own set of challenges and triumphs. Siblings of children with autism play a crucial role in their lives, contributing significantly to their growth and development.

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Unlocking the Power of Expression

Blue Balloon ABA

December, 2023

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, shaping our relationships and understanding of the world. For children with autism who are non-verbal or minimally verbal, expressing themselves can be a significant challenge.

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Nurturing Skills: Empowering Individuals with Autism

Blue Balloon ABA

November, 2023

Life is a journey, and for individuals with autism, the path may present unique challenges. However, just like anyone else, they too can lead fulfilling lives when equipped with essential life skills.

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Tech has emerged as a powerful catalyst for change, particularly in supporting ASD.

Blue Balloon ABA

October, 2023

Tech has emerged as a powerful catalyst for change, particularly in supporting the unique needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The multifaceted nature of autism requires tailored approaches, and technology has proven to be a versatile tool in fostering communication, enhancing social skills, and promoting overall academic development. This blog explores the pivotal role of technology in autism education, emphasizing its capacity to unlock potential and bridge gaps in learning.

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The Crucial Role of a Consistent Routine for Kids with Autism

Blue Balloon

September, 2023

For children with autism, navigating the world can be an overwhelming and challenging experience. The seemingly ordinary tasks and situations that most children take for granted can become sources of anxiety and distress. One powerful tool that can make a significant difference in the lives of these children is a well-structured and consistent routine. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of a good routine for kids with autism and how it can help them thrive.

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Recognizing Early Signs and Diagnosis of Autism

Blue Balloon

August, 2023

Early intervention is key to improving outcomes for individuals with autism. Recognizing the early signs and seeking a timely diagnosis can lead to better understanding, support, and interventions for those affected by ASD. In this blog, we will explore the importance of recognizing the early signs of autism and the process of diagnosis.

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Creating Summer Fun at Home

Blue Balloon

July, 2023

When it comes to summer fun for kids with autism, engaging activities can be enjoyed right at home. You can create an exciting and inclusive summer experience for your child with a little creativity and planning. This blog post will explore the latest at-home activities designed to promote learning, sensory engagement, and enjoyment for kids with autism during the summer season.

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Creative Approaches To Teaching

India Carson - Behavior Technician

June, 2023

Creativity in the classroom is a great way to promote developing skills through play and exploration. It also provides a greater opportunity to exercise autonomy, and take risks. Creative approaches to teaching enhances learning by increasing motivation, deepening understanding, and promoting joy.

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Making Your Home Autism-Friendly

Blue Balloon ABA

May, 2023

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects how individuals process information and interact with the world around them. For families with autistic children, it is essential to create a safe and supportive environment at home. In this blog, we will discuss some tips to make your home a more welcoming and safe environment.

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ABA centers VS Daycare Centers

India Carson - Behavior Technician

April 2023

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Techniques: DTT vs NET

India Carson - Behavior Technician

March 2023

Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT) and Natural Environment Teaching (NET) are two common teaching techniques utilized in ABA.

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Qualities Of A Great Behavior Technician

India Carson - Behavior Technician

Feb 2023

Here are five major characteristics that contribute towards success as a behavioral therapist. Empathy, Flexibility, Patience, Passion and Professionalism. Let's take a closer look at each of these valuable qualities.

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Attention Disorder And A Child’s Success

Blue Balloon

Jan 2023

When parents are concerned about a learning disability affecting their children's development, it helps to know that many celebrities and famous people have suffered with debilitating challenges that only blossom later in life. 

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Holiday Gift Buying Tips For A Child With ASD

Blue Balloon

Dec 2022

It's the holiday season, and people are busy finding the perfect gifts for their loved ones. While you may be tempted to buy your child the latest gadget or toy, keep in mind your child's level of development and what currently holds their interest and attention.

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Autism and Mental Health in Young People

Autism Speaks

Nov 2022

Mental health crises are serious and potentially life-threatening events that frequently affect children, adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum. Beyond the danger of injury or death, these emergencies often result in lost education, employment and residential opportunities, as well as isolation, exhaustion and financial strain on parents and other caregivers.

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Seasonal Changes For Children With Autism

Blue Balloon ABA

Oct 2022

The changing of the seasons can be a fun and exciting time for children and their families. There are holidays, breaks from school, and new weather to enjoy or avoid. Milestones, memories, and special events are all things to look forward to – but they can also be stressful and cause challenges for children with autism.

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Things To Know About ABA

Blue Balloon ABA

Sept 2022

One of the greatest values in the application of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) can be found in how reinforcements are set in place to promote and reward positive behaviors so that they become more frequent and, to discourage undesirable behaviors.

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Behaviors Of Concern

Blue Balloon ABA

Aug 2022

Parents and caregivers should be aware of some of the earliest signs of autism. Verbal regression, absent pretend play or the inability to follow hand direction are redflags that require a deeper look.

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Early Diagnosis of ASD

Blue Balloon ABA

July 2022

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has become a more widely found diagnosis across the United States, and while there is not a consensus on why ASD is continuing to rise as a diagnosis, there is good reason to believe that an earlier diagnosis and treatment intervention, results in a more positive outcome, with statistically significant gains for the child on the spectrum.

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Echoic, Intraverbal, Tact and Mand

Blue Balloon ABA

July 2022

Language is classified into types, called Operants. Each operant has a different function. Verbal Behavior Therapy focuses on four.

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Verbal Behavior in ABA

Miriam Newmark M.Ed, BCBA, LBA - Clinical Director

June 2022

Verbal Behavior (VB) is the behavioral analysis of language which focuses on the function of language not just the form. We look at language as a behavior that can be directly taught and increased through reinforcement.

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Potential Signs of ASD Disorder

May 2022

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Potential Signs of ASD Disorder

Theresa Scott, Psy.D.

May 2022

Potential Signs of ASD Disorder. According to the CDC, one in 54 children in the United States is now diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Despite increased autism awareness, 25 percent of children with ASD under eight yrsld, are still going undiagnosed.

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What is an RBT?

Maria Lopez – Training Specialist

April 2022

What is an RBT? RBT stands for Registered Behavior Technician; this is the person who implements behavioral therapy for children on the Autism Spectrum in a one to one setting under the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst

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Sensory Integration

March 2022

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Sensory Integration

Shira Kahn, OT

February 2022

Sensory integration is when the body receives sensory information from external stimuli and organizes it, allowing us to interpret what sensations are essential and unnecessary. When someone experiences sensory integration difficulties, they have trouble deciphering between the two

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Choosing An ABA Company For Your Child

December 2021

“What did you look for when choosing an ABA company for your child?” When preparing to write this blog, I asked a few parents the question, “What did you look for when choosing an ABA company for your child?”

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Top 4 tips to help your child develop the skills to conquer everyday tasks

November 2021

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Autism Speaks – Walk

November 2021

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Opportunity For ABA is Everywhere

October 2021

Does your child ever cry in the grocery insisting on getting what they want? Is your child sitting on the side at recess instead of joining in the game with friends? ABA therapy helps decrease problem behaviors and increase desired behaviors in the school, the home, in the clinic, or in the community.

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Tip Tuesday, Help your child with autism

September 2021

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Sensory Integration

March 2022

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